Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jawline Exercises And Double Chin Exercises


The 3 Best Jawline Exercises for Losing a Double Chin?

There are many jawline exercises or other things to reduce facial fat that could be attempted to help in losing a double chin. There are also a ton of cosmetic products out there that claim to be magic creams, potions, lotions, etc. Of course you could also go on the anti double chin diet or even use the double chin training device which promises to help you lose the double chin in record time. The problem is that very few of these "can't miss" techniques will not help you achieve results which last compared to the results that are attainable by doing the active chin reduction exercises described below or on in this article.

lady with sharp jawline - jawline exercises
Improve Your Jawline With Exercises
I do recall a time when men and women believed that the chin, face and neck were the most difficult areas to target with any form of exercise. The truth of the matter is that there are jawline exercises that specifically target the facial area and are extremely effective at ridding you of a double chin. Try these exercise routines to see which are the best movements for double chin removal as far you're concerned.


Check Out This 30 Day Advanced Double Chin Removal Program

Stretch Your Chin


Jawline Exercise 1

Hey, any thing beats doing crunches, right? Seriously though, cover up your top lip with your lower lip to stretch out the muscles of your neck and chin. Inhale through your nose while tilting your head back so that you're looking straight up. Hold your breath and remain in this position for ten seconds. Exhale as you slowly lower your head into a neutral position.

Repeat this procedure five times and work your way up to doing 20 in time. Don't over do it right away! Build up to this number over a month or so. Work this into your daily routine and perform the exercise two or three different times throughout your day.

Chin Exercise 2

Stand in a comfortable position where you're head is relaxed in a loose natural position. Lift your chin up to the point where your muscles are tense and stretch. Maintain this position and count to ten. Relax back to your starting position.

Start off with four or five of these in a set and work your way up to ten in one attempt. Repeat the set two or three times at different points in your day.

Cheek Exercise 3

Relax your head while standing or sitting in a natural position. Stretch your mouth open as wide as you can. Stick your tongue straight out as far as it will go without hurting yourself. Hold steady and count to ten. Relax back into your normal natural state.

Start with a couple of repetitions and work your way up to eight. Repeat this exercise several times per day.

The real beauty of these jawline exercises for reducing double chins is that they can be performed whenever you have a few spare moments. You can perform these while getting ready for work early in the morning, when your commuting if you did mind an occasional stare, while taking the kids to school, or even when hanging out at night watching TV.

Looking to accelerate the loss of your double chin? Check out the best exercise and fitness program for double chin enhancement and removal. The best part about following an advanced program like this is that it is very easy to stick to as well as achieve great results in 30 days.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 Steps Plus Jawline Exercises To Lose A Double Chin & Chubby Cheeks

Jawline Exercises - Before and After
Have you ever wondered if there are jawline exercises that you can do to help get rid of that double chin? Are your cute chubby cheeks not so cute anymore?

Well, the good news is yes, you can perform facial exercises to improve your look, profile and get a slimmer neck, however, there are a few other steps you will need to perform to really see a difference.


Before we get into the exercises that will improve the look of your jawline, we must dig a little deeper into our bodies.

Step 1 - Rid Your Body Of Toxins Before Worrying About Jawline Exercises


Back in my early twenties, long before the thought of needing jawline exercises, I often found myself going out to bars and clubs to enjoy the exploits of my youth. My friends and I always danced the night away, often working up quite a good sweat. I always assumed that by sweating, I'd lose the water under my skin and have a much firmer looking face, neck and body.

Yet whenever I went into the bathroom at one of these clubs I would look in horror at the mirror. It seemed like my face had actually swollen and my cheeks were bigger. It was like they were fun house mirrors trying to play a trick on me! I should have realized it, but it was the alcohol in my system that was causing my face to swell.

If you are serious about firming up your face and losing the double chin you have to get the toxins out of your system. Yes, alcohol is something you should cut back on or eliminate in any body shrinking program.

It will also be necessary to reduce your intake of salt, cut out foods high in preservatives, and focus on drinking plenty of water to flush the toxins out of your body. Drinking acai berry, blueberry or cranberry juices or supplements can help speed the toxin reduction process.

Step 2 - Eat A Clean Diet


I can already hear the skeptics out there saying, "If I wanted to lose weight I would have typed into Google weight loss not jawline exercises or get a slimmer neck... I already know losing weight will get rid of my double chin." 

Foods To Improve Your Jawline
Yes, if you are overweight and begin a weight loss program you will lose fat all over your body, including your face. However, I'm sure you have also seen men and women in great shape who still struggle with a fat neck or chubby cheeks. Maybe this is your situation, in any case many of us out there struggle with this issue. 

By eating clean we are continuing the process of step 1. We are continuing to cleanse our bodies with healthy nourishing food that will not add toxins to our body. A great dietary program (notice I don't call it a calorie restrictive diet) that meets these guidelines is this paleo nutrition program. You eat organic foods free of pesticides and unhealthy fillers including lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean meats. As a bonus you will also lose weight by following this type of regiment!

Step 3 - Now It's Time For Jawline Exercises


Ever hear the saying, "it takes 26 muscles to smile and 62 muscles to frown?" That little saying reminds us that our faces are made up of muscles. What happens to your body when you exercise? It firms up. Well guess what happens to your face when you do jawline exercises... It also firms up. Don't worry, we are not going to be doing any facial bodybuilding, only toning.

After your first time of trying the exercises below, you will believe that they will work! Just don't over do it at first.

The First 2 Jawline Exercises 


1) Bite and Roll - This firms up your jawline improving your profile. With this one you push out your bottom jaw so that your lower teeth extend past your upper teeth. Bite your lower teeth gently into your upper lip. Hold. Now tilt your chin to your chest for 10 second, then to your right shoulder for 10 seconds, your left shoulder for 10 seconds and finally back to your chest for 10 more seconds. The entire time you should be lightly biting your upper lip.

 Video Courtesy Of Face Fitness Center

2) Jawsome - This firms up a saggy neck and double chin. Curl your hands into loose fists and place them under your chin. Your pinky fingers of each hand should be touching. Push down with your chin into your fists for 10 seconds. Relax. separate your fist so there is a couple of inches between your pinky fingers. Your fists will now be under your jaw. Push down for 10 seconds.

 Video Courtesy Of Face Fitness Center

 These two jawline exercises are a good start to get you on the path of having a much more defined jawline and reduce the sag in your neck. However, this is only the beginning. For a complete 30 day step by step video guided program that will get rid of your double chin, chubby cheeks and saggy neck, you will want to go here.